Pursuing Gault
Supplemental data for:
David S. Tanenhaus and Eric C. Nystrom, “Pursuing Gault,” Nevada Law Journal, vol. 17. Author’s version: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2864652
Final published version: https://law.unlv.edu/nevada-law-journal/vol17/pursuing-gault-1704
Data and errata
- Shepardize report for In re Gault (387 U.S. 1), downloaded from Lexis-Nexis Sept. 16, 2016, HTML version (available upon direct request)
to transform HTML Shepardize report to TSV- Errata correction script for 09-16-2016 data (Awk)
- Which results in corrected data: Gault citation data, TAB-separated format
- Gault Headnotes (retyped by Eric Nystrom) Note: can be generated in CSV form using
Scripts to generate figures
Note: many of these scripts require further processing of the data using
scripts from sheptools
, above. Any transformations needed are noted in
the script header. Gnuplot scripts should be invoked directly; Bash scripts
typically call other programs such as
ploticus, Awk, or scripts from
. Intermediate-stage data has been made available below when
Fig. 1: Script: fig1_gault-by-hn.gp Data: gault-by-hn-pivot.tsv
Fig. 2: Script: fig2_gault-scotus-dissent-nondissent.gp Data: gault-scotus-dissentcites.tsv, gault-scotus-NOTdissent.tsv
Fig. 3: Script: fig3-gault-cites-by-courttype.sh Data: court-groups-gault.dat
Figs. 4-7: Script: fig4-5-6-7.sh Data: hn3.dat, hn6.dat, hn4.dat, hn11.dat
Note: in Author’s Version, Figs. 4 and 5, and Figs. 6 and 7 were combined together, respectively, using Imagemagick, e.g.:
convert fig4_hn3-by-jurisd-group.png fig5_hn6-by-jurisd-group.png +append figs4-5_combo.png
Fig. 8: Script: fig8.sh Data: juris-group-by-year-pct.dat
Fig. 9: Script: fig9.sh Data: dual-system-tot.dat
Figs. 10-12: Script: fig10-11-12.sh Data: dual-system-jurisd.dat, dual-juv-pct.dat
Fig. 13: Script: fig13.sh Data: pivoted-year-ctlcirc-dualpct.dat