If you’re interested in data from a publication not listed here, please contact me.
Connecting Case Information to Opinion Authorship
Eric C. Nystrom and David S. Tanenhaus, Connecting U.S. Supreme Court Case Information and Opinion Authorship (SCDB) to Full Case Text Data (CAP), 1791-2011 [Data set]. Zenodo (December 18, 2020): https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4344917
Classification of Culture and Process in Opinion Language
David S. Tanenhaus and Eric C. Nystrom, Classification of Culture and Process in U.S. Supreme Court Language, 1793-2011 [Data set]. Zenodo (November 18, 2020): https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4279859
Perspectives on Mining History Scholarship
Eric C. Nystrom and Brian James Leech, Historians’ Perspectives of the Importance and Impact of Mining History Scholarship [Data set]. Zenodo (July 1, 2020): http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3926826
This survey data underpinned our analysis in:
Brian James Leech and Eric C. Nystrom, “Surveying the Minds: New Trends and Key Classics in Mining History,” Mining History Journal 27 (2020): 40-54.
Classifying Scalia
Linda L. Berger and Eric C. Nystrom, Classification of majority opinions and headnotes written by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia [Data set]. Zenodo (May 19, 2020): http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3333948
This data was the basis of our analysis in:
Linda L. Berger and Eric C. Nystrom, “A Rhetorical-Computational Analysis of Justice Antonin Scalia’s ‘Remarkable Influence’: The Unexpected Importance of Deceptively Unanimous and Contested Majority Opinions,” Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 20, no.
Pursuing Gault
Supplemental data for: David S. Tanenhaus and Eric C. Nystrom, “Pursuing Gault,” Nevada Law Journal, vol. 17. Author’s version: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2864652
Final published version: https://law.unlv.edu/nevada-law-journal/vol17/pursuing-gault-1704
Data and errata Shepardize report for In re Gault (387 U.S. 1), downloaded from Lexis-Nexis Sept. 16, 2016, HTML version (available upon direct request) sheptools to transform HTML Shepardize report to TSV Errata correction script for 09-16-2016 data (Awk) Which results in corrected data: Gault citation data, TAB-separated format Gault Headnotes (retyped by Eric Nystrom) Note: can be generated in CSV form using sheptools.
Nevada Census Microdata
Complete-count U.S. Census microdata for the state of Nevada, 1860-1920.
Ronald M. James, Kenneth H. Fliess, and Eric Nystrom, Nevada Census Microdata, 1860-1920, Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], (1991–2014). Current version: v2, released Dec. 31, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/27218